Hi Everyone!!
Christmas Is July 25 We are looking for 17 Veteran Vendors!
Are you one? Do you know one??
1150 North 5th avenue
Sunday July 25
Vendors will park behind buildings
The Parking Lot Space is 50.00 Non Refundable
Vendors ONLY may use Kingdom Global Impact Center Lavatories
We have room for 17 Vendors
This will fill fast Please forward
Thank You.
Let's make this happen!
Our Veterans Need you!
The goal for 2021 is 2000 stockings.
We will have a collection bin...

Items needed are listed on the flyer.
But we do need eye drops NOT Visine ( it's harmful to the cornea of the eye)
Parking Lot Help
Collection Help
Security for Buildings
Thank you all so Very Much
You Are Amazing!
Robert and Theresa Phillips
Call us at 630 377 5355