WOW you all are so amazing!!
The Valentines went out to nearly 500 recipients AND THEY WERE LOVED!
Our Special Thanks go to Holy Cross School in Batavia My goodness they made some beautiful Valentines!
Altrusa Club of Fox Valley
Brownie Troop #94 And Junior Troop # 416!
Plus all you who were at Praise Ministries Church signing and making Valentines!!

Love is a very precious gift.
When we honor our Veterans we really feel we are encouraging them and letting them know that there are people who remember the sacrifices and the oath they took.
Your Love is REMARKABLE!
Now our Adventure of caring and listening and being is continuing...
Easter is around the corner and we are going to Give Eggs
A simple note of thanks A Pin of the USA Flag and a Tiny Cross go into each egg
Hopefully we can be Peter Rabbit and deliver personally to some...
Yet, ANYWAY we can get encouragement and happiness to 1 Veteran is worth it all!
God bless and thank you.

Donations are always welcome