As we all know Veterans are often overlooked ... Nursing Homes Hospitals Homebound VA Centers etc..
But Be A Hero to A Hero Has beging to change that in our region.
This year we hit a 100 mile radius. And we are glad we did.
The need is great and it keeps on going.. In May we will be releasing Tees Socks and Toilities once again into the facilities.
Here are some wonderful pics from this year 2020
Distributed to 1607 Recipients and disinfected nearly 60,000 items.
Her are A few of The Pics

Recipients included VA Hospitals Homeless Shelters Homebound Veterans Widows of Veterans Nursing Home Assisted Living First Responders Plus our Local Veterans Center.
NONE of this could have been done without you.
As you can see the need is great . and it keeps on growing
In Kane county there are 8000 veterans in illinois oer 800,000 veterans They deserve our Gratitude.
Its the end of year.. and you can receive a Tax Donation letter From Be A Hero To A Hero
A One Time donation or a Monthly parter of 10.00 Will help us all year round as we continue to work for our Veterans
If you cannot give? give us a prayer we will appreciate it A Lot!
Thank you all and Happy New Year
Need more info? Contact Theresa at
call 630 377 5355