Hi Everyone!
Thank you all who have hosted Drop Boxes for us.
And Those of you who have sent us financial help!
So far we used that help to Purchase
1500 Stockings
400 Tee Shirts
400 Bars of Soap
400 Pairs of Socks
We still need
All the above and TOILETRIES
We need toothbrushes
Lotions and Creams
Eye Drops
We DO NOT NEED Sanitizer
If you would like to make a Tax Deductible donation Please do so here

We have been at the Building sorting and disinfecting everything!
It's Coming together!
So far we have confirmed 1500 Veterans Receiving Stockings
If you want to assist in filling stockings Please register HERE
We appreciate all of you so much.
And thank you for loving Our Veterans
From Team Hero
PS... Theresa will be on Chicago Radio
Tuesday 9 Nov 8;20 Am
