As We Forge Onward It’s Been Amazing Look Inside.
Dear Community THANK YOU all who came to help us at the Arcada.
We filled nearly 700 stockings and an out of items.
We are thankful that immediately we purchased
1000 toothbrushes and 500 bars of soap.
That would not have been possible if it wasn’t for the Generosity of all of you precious people.
M Onesti provided lunch and that was wonderful.
Several people came from the Veterans’ Center to help Load Fill and Deliver back to Praise Ministries Church awaiting the First Delivery Sunday the 28th. THANK YOU We met some beautiful Veterans loving folks who came in from all over to help 46 in all!
The unity was beautiful and how had everyone worked to get this done was just astonishing.
Th Team is so grateful indeed. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

THANK YOU We Will Not Stop We are still looking for Beanie Babies Tee Shirts an Toiletries
Stay Tuned For UPdates
Team Hero